Learn how to invite and add users to teams

Invite a user to an account using their email address

To add additional team members to your account, you need to invite them. To do this choose Manage Users from your dashboard (if you don't see this, you may not have the required permissions).

User Settings

To add a new user to your account:

  • Enter the email address of the user
  • Choose 'Add another user' to add multiple users at the same time
  • Choose the 'Invite Users' button to continue to step 2

If you know which teams the users need to be added to you can choose to assign them as part of the same process. Select the checkboxes next to the team names to add the user(s) to the relevant teams.

Invite New Users

Email Link Expiry

Before sending the invite emails you can decide how long you would like the temporary email invite link to be active. Select a timeframe from the dropdown list and choose 'Send Email Invite' when you're ready to invite the users.

Managing Invites

New users that are currently pending invitation can be viewed in the people in your account section. From here you can choose to remove the person or resend the invite when required.

User Settings

Using Single Sign-On (SSO)

For enterprise customers that are using Single Sign-On (SSO), you cannot manually add external users to the account, this is by design to ensure the security of your account. Please reach out to the Single Sign-On Administrator for your organisation for more information.

Add Users SSO