Configure Authorized Applications

How do you ensure that only authorized applications can send traces/spans to OpenSearch

Securing traces and spans sent to OpenSearch is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your distributed tracing data. This guide highlights the use of username and password credentials over secure protocols like HTTPS and gRPC to ensure that only authorized applications can send data. Discover how the platform/UI simplifies this process, providing effortless authentication for your OpenSearch cluster.

Authorizing Applications with User Credentials

Your stacks are configured for HTTPS and gRPC using username and password, to view your Jaeger Open Telemetry endpoint details for a stack, navigate to Open Telemetry Inputs settings.

Jaeger Collector Inputs

User Authentication Over HTTPS:

  • Automatic SSL/TLS Certificates:
    • The platform/UI streamlines SSL/TLS certificate management for secure HTTPS communication.
  • OpenSearch Configuration:
    • User authentication is seamlessly handled, allowing secure access using usernames and passwords.
  • Application Integration:
    • Easily integrate your application or tracing agent with the automatically configured HTTPS endpoint, utilizing user credentials for authentication.

User Authentication Over gRPC:

  • Automatic gRPC Support:
    • The platform/UI enables gRPC support on your OpenSearch instance.
  • Secure OpenSearch Configuration:
    • User credentials for gRPC authentication are effortlessly managed by the platform/UI.
  • Application Configuration:
    • Update your application configuration to utilize the automatically configured gRPC endpoint, securing communication with user credentials.


By prioritizing the use of username and password credentials over secure protocols like HTTPS and gRPC, the platform/UI simplifies the authentication process. This ensures that only authorized applications can seamlessly send traces and spans to your OpenSearch cluster, simplifying the configuration of encryption and secure communication while bolstering the overall security of your distributed tracing data.