Using OpenTelemetry for Logs

Getting Started With OpenTelemetry for Logs provides extensive features and configurations to ingest, monitor, and analyze data, manage your infrastructure and so much more!

Follow this quickstart guide to send log data using the OpenTelemetry collector.


You'll need a account. Sign up for a free trial here (opens in a new tab).

Step 1: Get your data into

Your data analytics journey starts by sending your Logs, Metrics or Traces to For this purpose, we will be using the OpenTelemetry Collector. This choice enables you to quickly and securely ship your data. The OpenTelemetry Collector offers a vendor-agnostic way to collect, process, and export telemetry data, ensuring compatibility and flexibility across different monitoring tools and services.

Set up your data source

Logs OpenTelemetry Collector

  1. Login to

  2. Initiate the configuration process by clicking on View Data Integrations.

APM Stack

Navigate to "Integrations" > "OpenTelemetry" > "Logs OpenTelemetry Collector"

Logs OpenTelemetry Collector

  1. After you have installed and configured the OpenTelemetry Collector return to your dashboard (opens in a new tab)

  2. From your dashboard choose Launch Logs.

Step 2: Verify and Search your Data

As OpenSearch Dashboards launches, which serves as the default log viewer, you will be prompted the first time to "Select your tenant." For most users, selecting the "Global" tenant is the recommended option.

You can always change the tenant later in your user settings inside of OpenSearch.

Choosing Tenant

The Discover View

After selecting your tenant, you are then redirected to the Discover View that allows you to explore and search the data arriving in your stack. It provides a user-friendly interface to quickly filter and find specific logs, metrics, or other data types.

OpenTelemetry Discover View

Step 3: Monitor and Troubleshoot

You can view your data with predefined searches and dashboards that facilitate monitoring and troubleshooting.

OpenTelemetry Monitor and Troubleshoot

You can browse our pre-configured dashboards and choose which to install by choosing Install Dashboards from your Logs stack.

OpenTelemetry Install Dashboards

Once you've sent your logs to, you can gain an in-depth perspective on the health and performance of your distributed cloud services through using real-time monitoring, and custom dashboards. This allows your team to dive deep into logs for troubleshooting, while simultaneously offering a broad view of your infrastructure's status via custom dashboards and notifications.