How do timezones work in OpenSearch?

OpenSearch uses the timezone of your browser by default, it is however possible to change this if you require.

How do I change the timezone?

To change the timezone navigate to the following:

OpenSearch > Management > Advanced Settings

OpenSearch Advanced Settings

You will see lots of settings here that control the behaviour of OpenSearch, one of which is the timezone. The setting you are looking for is as follows:


You can see that 'Browser' is the timezone currently selected. Click the 'Edit' button for this item and you will be presented with a dropdown list.


Pick the timezone that you require from the list and press the save button. If you now click 'Discover' on the left-hand menu to return to your results you will see that data is now displayed using the new timezone that you selected.

Both OpenSearch and Logstash use the UTC timezone for timestamps. Although this can be changed it is recommended to keep the standard and leave adjustments to OpenSearch or any other presentation layers you may use.