OpenSearch Read Only or Dashboard Only Access

How to give a user OpenSearch Read Only or Dashboard Only access to a Stack

To grant OpenSearch User Read Only or OpenSearch User Dashboard Only access to a Stack you first need to create a team and configure the required role. Based on your permissions you can view your teams via Account Settings > Teams. From here you can view existing teams and add new teams to your account.

Team Settings

Adding a Read-Only or Dashboard-Only Team

All accounts have a number of predefined teams that you can use to manage common scenarios, in this case, we want to add a new team, so choose 'Create a new team'. Give the team a suitable name e.g. OpenSearch Read Only or Dashboard Only team.

Under the Stack Only Permission Roles section choose Manage Roles for the required Stack and check either OpenSearch User Read Only or OpenSearch User Dashboard Only depending on your requirements. At the bottom of the screen choose the Team members that need to be added to the team and choose Apply Changes once happy.

Tip!: It's worth noting that if you configure a team to have multiple roles the team will always be granted the role with the least permissions in OpenSearch security roles.

Stack Only Permissions

OpenSearch Stack Roles

When you choose to add or update a team, the users in the team are automatically synchronised and mapped to the relevant OpenSearch Security Roles. You can view the OpenSearch security Roles by launching OpenSearch dashboards and choosing Security > Roles.
