Account AdministrationSubscriptions, Management & UsageProductProductArchive Data After Retention Timeframe Has Ended→Is it possible to keep my logs, data and metrics indefinitely and how can I restore my data again in the future?Does Updating a Stack Lose Any Data?→Find out more on if you update a stack to the latest version, will you lose any data in our helpful guide.How can I be sure my data is secure?→Read our in-depth help article to learn more about how guarantees your data remains secure and safe.How Calculates Index Sizes and Usage Statistics→Read’s help article to learn about used volume statistics and how they relate to index sizes for the current dayHow to add plugins→Read our detailed help article to learn how to add plugins to and add further extensibility to your stacksLearn how to reduce your log volumes→Discover the steps you need to take to manage and reduce your log volumes in this help article from Stack Latest Version→Read our help article to learn how to upgrade a stack to the latest version of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana.Send Data From an Uncommon Service, Network, or App→Learn about how to ship data from less-common services, network appliances or application infrastructureUpgrade to the Latest Version of Elastalert→Find out about the steps you need to take to upgrade to the latest version of Elastalert in this help article from Logit.ioView ELK Stack Usage & Daily Log Volume→Read’s informative help article to learn how calculates your Elasticsearch stack disk usage.What Happens to Data After the Retention Period Passed?→Read’s help article to learn how we securely remove your data after your plan retention timeframe has endedWhere can I check the system status?→Find out more about where you can check the system status showing complete visibility in this informative article.Which Region Stores Logs, Metrics, and Tracing Data?→See your options for choosing the required geographical data center for storing your logs, metrics and traces