Alert For Log Volume To Stop Exceeding Stack Limit

How to set an alert for a log volume to stop you from exceeding your stack limit

Monitoring log volume is a critical aspect of maintaining the health and performance of your infrastructure. Excessive log messages can lead to stack limit exceedances, In you can easily set up log volume alerts to proactively prevent stack limit exceedances and ensure the efficient operation of your system, in addition to the automated emails that will inform you from the platform.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create log volume alerts in, specifically designed to notify you when the log volume exceeds predefined thresholds. These alerts serve as a safeguard against unexpected log surges, helping you to take timely actions and maintain the stability of your system.

Setting an Alert for Log Volume to better manage Stack Limits

If you are experiencing issues with log volume and want to set up an alert to prevent exceeding your stack limit, provides a flexible and customizable solution using Elastalert. Follow the steps below to create an alert that notifies you when the log volume approaches or exceeds a specified threshold.

1. Create an Elastalert Rule

Elastalert rules define the conditions that trigger alerts based on your log data. In this example, we'll use a YAML configuration to set up a frequency-based alert for log volume.

name: ingress-amount-logs
index: logstash-*
type: frequency
num_events: 5000000
  hours: 1
use_count_query: true
doc_type: syslog
  - "Slack"
  - "<Your-slack-webhook-url>"
  minutes: 5

YAML Explanation:

  • name: Unique name for the alert rule.
  • index: Index pattern to match against your logs (e.g., "logstash-*").
  • type: Type of alert; in this case, "frequency" for log volume.
  • num_events: Threshold for the number of events before triggering the alert (adjust as needed).
  • timeframe: Duration to consider for the alert (e.g., 1 hour).
  • use_count_query: Set to true to count the number of log events.
  • doc_type: Document type to filter on (e.g., "syslog").
  • alert: Type of alert action; here, it sends a notification to Slack.
  • slack_webhook_url: URL of your Slack webhook for receiving alerts.
  • realert: Time interval before re-alerting if the condition persists.

2. Apply the Rule

After creating the rule, apply it to your alert instance. This ensures that the alerting system will monitor log volume based on the specified conditions.

3. Testing and Adjusting

You can test the alert rule to ensure it functions as expected. Adjust the parameters, such as the num_events threshold, to fine-tune the alerting criteria.

4. Monitor Alerts

Once applied, monitor the alerts to stay informed about your log volume. Alerts will be triggered when the log volume approaches or exceeds the defined threshold, preventing you from exceeding your stack limit.


Monitoring log message volume is crucial for preventing stack limit exceedances and responding to issues in a timely manner. The "ingress-amount-logs" alert, with its flexible configuration and Slack integration, helps you keep a close eye on log volumes and ensures you receive alerts as soon as potential issues arise.