How do I change the datatype of a field for data already sent/indexed in OpenSearch?

Unfortunately, it isn't possible to make changes to existing fields in an index that has already been sent to OpenSearch but don't worry. There are still options available to you.

Updating your mapping

It is possible to update your mappings for any fields that are in the wrong format, this will correct the datatype future ingestion. At Logit, we use daily and hourly indexes, this means that each index incorporates the current date as part of the index name as default and that each day a new index is created for storing that day's data and metrics.

When the new index is created any changes that you have made to the mapping will now be used. This article contains a section explaining how to change your index mapping.

Updating your Logstash Filters

You can update your Logstash filters to ensure that data and metrics sent to Logstash will be stored as the type that you require.

To edit your Logstash filters for any stack, go to the Logstash Pipelines settings.

Below is an example where we have a field called "count" which should be an integer but we have incorrectly been storing the data sent to it as a string. What we can do is make a copy of these fields, in this case we have made a copy called "count_int".

    copy => { "count" => "count_int" }
    convert => { "count_int" => "integer" }

Then we converted the new "count_int" field to have a type of integer. From now on the data will be sent to both fields (because the second is a copy of the first and this includes its properties) and will be stored as a string in the first field and an integer in the second.

Re-indexing the data

If having the data and metrics already stored in OpenSearch in the correct format is a necessity (and this really is a decision that you should make based on your retention time) the other option available to you is to create a new index. The simplest way is to resend the data to your new index or you can use the re-index OpenSearch API.