How can I migrate/upgrade my stack to the latest version?

There are two possible approaches to upgrading a stack to the latest version.....

Option 1 - Create a New Stack

The first, simplest option is to create a new stack and then set up your data feeds to use the new stack before deleting the old stack.

From the Dashboard, click on the 'New stack' button.


You will be shown the 'Create a Stack' screen as below:

Create Stack

Here you can select the version of the stack you require from the Stack Version drop-down. When you click on 'Create Stack' you will be prompted to confirm your selection and then a new stack with the version you selected will be provisioned and available within a couple of minutes.

Option 2- Upgrade an Existing Stack

You can request an in-place upgrade to the latest version where the existing stack IDs are retained and the data is migrated by engineers into the upgraded stack. If you wish to choose this option reach out by contacting our support team via live chat, they'll be happy to assist.