How to transfer Stacks to another account?

Transferring Stacks from one account to another is a straightforward process that can help you consolidate instances and streamline your administration. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to successfully transfer your Stacks without experiencing any downtime.

1. Preparation:

Ensure you have access to both the source and target accounts. There is no downtime associated with the transfer process.

2. Grant Stack Access:

To enable our support team to transfer the Stacks you will need to grant Stack access to's support team on both accounts. Navigate to Your Account, then select Support and from here you should be able to select Support Access and enable this on your end. From here you can then reach out to the support team at for us to transfer the accounts on your behalf.

3. Stack Permissions:

Be aware that stack permissions won't be transferred during the process. Owners will need to re-assign permissions as needed once the Stack has been transferred.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to's support team for assistance.