Victoria Metrics vmagent

Victoria Metrics vmagent

Ship metrics using VictoriaMetrics vmagent

Vmagent is a tiny but mighty agent which helps you collect metrics from various sources and store them in VictoriaMetrics


Install Integration

Please click on the Install Integration button to configure your stack for this source.

Confirm you have Helm Installed

Confirm you have Helm installed and available.

Helm Install Docs (opens in a new tab)

Add VictoriaMetrics Helm Chart

Run the following to add the Victoria Metrics Helm chart.

helm repo add vm

Export Default Configuration YAML

Export the default configuration to a yaml file so that we can make an edit.

helm show values vm/victoria-metrics-agent >> vmagent-kubernetes.yml

Add remoteWriteUrls

Open the exported configuration in a text editor to add in the remoteWriteUrls.

You will need to edit Line 65 of the vmagent-kubernetes.yml


# WARN: need to specify at least one remote write url or one multi tenant url
remoteWriteUrls: []
# remoteWriteUrls:
#   - http://vm-insert:8480/insert/0/prometheus
#   - http://prometheus:8480/insert/0/prometheus


# WARN: need to specify at least one remote write url or one multi tenant url
remoteWriteUrls: [""]
# remoteWriteUrls:
#   - http://vm-insert:8480/insert/0/prometheus
#   - http://prometheus:8480/insert/0/prometheus

Install Helm Chart

You are now ready to install the helm chart.

helm --namespace=victoriametrics install vmagent vm/victoria-metrics-agent --create-namespace -f vmagent-kubernetes.yml