APM Ingestion Pipeline Overview

What are Ingestion Pipelines?

In the context of Application Performance Monitoring (APM), an ingestion pipeline refers to the process of collecting, processing and storing performance data and metrics from your applications and systems for monitoring and analysis purposes. Jaeger's ingestion pipeline is a critical component of distributed tracing systems, enabling the collection, processing, and storage of trace data from instrumented applications.

APM Stack

Working with the APM Ingestion Pipeline

Ingestion pipelines can be found in three separate places under the initial 'Overview' dashboard depending on your account subscription. This help article will only focus on ingestion pipelines in relation to Application Performance Monitoring (APM).

APM Ingestion Pipeline

Ingestion pipelines can be found as the first box from the left under the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) section. This will show details about the ingestion pipeline in relation to your APM stack.

APM Ingestion Pipeline

The ingestion pipeline allows you to monitor the operational status of every service node within your data processing pipeline and tailor their input configurations as needed. Also, you can view the health of all the service nodes. By clicking the ellipses at the top right of the ingestion pipeline box you can select 'Configure Inputs.'

Configure Inputs

You can locate and duplicate the endpoint information for OpenTelemetry on this page to configure and ship data to your Stack.

Collector Nodes

Collector nodes within a data collection system are responsible for gathering and aggregating data from various sources. These nodes play a crucial role in collecting data for further processing or analysis. Here you can view the separate instances, their health, and version information.

Kafka Nodes

Kafka nodes, also known as Kafka brokers, are part of an Apache Kafka cluster and are responsible for receiving, storing, and serving data in Kafka topics. Kafka nodes ensure fault tolerance and scalability for data streaming. Here you can monitor each individual instance and its health.

Ingester Nodes

Ingester nodes refer to components within a data ingestion or collection system that are responsible for receiving, processing, and storing data from various sources. These nodes play a fundamental role in the initial stages of data handling, especially in distributed systems designed for data streaming, log management, or real-time analytics. Here you can view each separate instance, its health, and version information.