Temporarily Reduce Logs Stack Retention

If I reduce the retention on my logs stack temporarily what happens to the indexes?

Logit.io's Retention Period

Each stack has a retention period and this outlines how long logs and metrics are stored and searchable in your Logit.io stack. You can set the retention to any value allowed in your stack configuration. To gain a deeper look at your stack retention period, select settings, and then under this choose usage statistics.

How to change the retention period

To change the retention period, navigate the Manage Billing settings, here you can set the retention period for each stack. If you change the retention period, once the new retention period has run, all previous indexes will be deleted.

Clearing The Data From Old Indexes

When new indices are generated, the retention job removes indices/data with a date preceding the specified retention period. For example: The indices get created as logstash-2022.11.08, filebeat-2023.10.23 etc. The retention job deletes indices with a date older than whatever the retention is set to.