How to Configure Logstash Inputs for Seamless Data Integration

Why would I need to add inputs to my stack?

When working with Logstash, adding inputs to your stack is essential for seamlessly collecting data from various sources. Whether you're dealing with syslog messages, cloud storage, or message queues, Logstash inputs serve as the gateways for ingesting diverse data into your Logstash pipeline. Each input type caters to specific use cases, allowing you to tailor your configuration to match your data source and preferences.


Welcome to the Logstash configuration page! Here, you'll find information on how to configure Logstash inputs to effortlessly send data to your Stack. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is ready to help.

Add New Input


Easily configure additional data sources, including Amazon, Azure and Google by following these simple steps.

  1. Navigate to Logstash Inputs settings.
  2. Click on the "Add New Input" button in the Logstash configuration wizard.

Logstash Inputs

Adding a New Input

When you click the "Add New Input" button, you'll be prompted to choose from various input types. Each input type serves a specific purpose and can be configured based on your requirements.

Default Input Types:

  1. Syslog-SSL:
    • Description: Read syslog messages as events over the network.
    • Usage: Ideal for collecting syslog messages securely.
  2. Beats-SSL:
    • Description: Enables Logstash to receive events from the Beats framework.
    • Usage: Useful for receiving events from Beats securely.
  3. TCP-SSL:
    • Description: Reads events over a TCP socket with SSL.
    • Usage: Suitable for securely reading events over a TCP connection.

Additional Input Types:

  1. HTTP-SSL:
    • Description: Receive single or multiline events over HTTP(s).
  2. Syslog (TCP and UDP Protocol):
    • Description: Read syslog messages as events over the network using TCP or UDP.
  3. Beats, TCP, UDP, Gelf:
    • Description: Additional options for flexibility in handling different event sources.
  4. Amazon S3:
    • Description: Send data from an Amazon S3 bucket.
  5. Azure Event Hub:
    • Description: Send data from an Azure Event Hub.
  6. Google Pub Sub:
    • Description: Consume events from a Google Cloud PubSub service.
  7. Google Cloud Storage:
    • Description: Extract events from files in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  8. SQS (Simple Queue Service):
    • Description: Pulls events from an Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service queue.


Choose the input type that aligns with your data source and configuration preferences.

If you need assistance or have specific requirements, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Updating or Removing an Input

Clicking on "View Details" allows you to inspect and modify the configuration settings for the selected Logstash input. Clicking on "Remove" will permanently delete the selected Logstash input. Please note that this action cannot be undone.

Understanding Logstash Endpoints

To copy the Logstash endpoint, click the "Copy Endpoint" button. The endpoint is a critical element for sending data to your Logstash instance. Ensure to combine the copied endpoint with the appropriate input port based on your selected input type.


  • If you're using the TCP-SSL input type. Therefore, the Logstash endpoint for TCP-SSL would be your-logstash-endpoint:your-tcp-ssl-port:.


  • Verify the specific input port required for your chosen input type in the documentation or configuration settings.

Understanding the correct combination of the Logstash endpoint and input port is crucial for establishing a secure and functional connection between Logstash and your data source.

Set Minimum TLS Version

Why Set Minimum TLS Version?

Setting the minimum TLS version is crucial for enhancing the security of your Logstash inputs. By configuring the appropriate TLS version, you ensure that communication between Logstash and your data sources is secure and meets the latest security standards.

  1. Choose the desired TLS version from the dropdown menu.
  2. Click the "Update Version" button to save your changes.

Need Assistance?

Now you're all set to configure your Logstash inputs seamlessly. If you encounter any issues or have additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via live chat for expert guidance.