What are my plan resizing options?

At Logit.io we understand that your logging and metrics needs can change. This is why we offer flexibility to tailor your plan to match your changing requirements. ​ You can scale your Logit.io Stacks as required at any time directly from your Dashboard. Similarly, if the amount of traffic you send decreases you can also reduce your plan from the Dashboard to match your volume and retention requirements.

To resize your plan from the Dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your Logit.io Dashboard

  2. Click 'Settings' on the Stack that you want to resize

  3. Choose the Overview page under Logs, Metrics or Tracing

  4. Choose Change Plan/Resize Stack

  5. Change your Daily Log Size and/or Retention and click the 'Confirm Resize' button (as shown below).

Resize Stack

Over usage protection is included in your plan should the volume of data that you send to Logit.io increase. You may exceed your plan level by up to 100% on any three days in a rolling 30 day period. If this is exceeded your plan will automatically resize to match the new volume if not resized. Logit.io never deletes data that is over your plan limit, so you can always access all of your logs and metrics when you might need them most. Our engineers will always work with you to find the correct plan for your needs.

If after resizing your plan to match any new data requirements there is a need to resize again, simply resize your Stack as needed. Perhaps the volume of data you send to Logit.io has returned to previous volume levels and you want to put the plan back to its original size, no problem. You can change your plan level at any time as long as you have not exceeded your plan in the past 30 days.

Monthly resizing allows you to select a suitable plan and you can use our Plans and Pricing (opens in a new tab) page for clear visibility of the price based on the required volume and retention. All plans are prepaid for the month, and any increases will be pro-rata for the remaining days in the current month.