How to add a SQS Input to your Log Stack

To configure the SQS input in your Logstash stack, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Logstash Inputs settings.
  2. Click on the "Add New Input" button in the Logstash configuration wizard.
  3. Select the "SQS" option from the available input types.
  4. Complete the configuration details:
    • Access Key Id: This plugin uses the AWS SDK and needs the access key ID.
    • Queue: Name of the SQS Queue to pull messages from.
    • Region: The AWS Region (Default value is "us-east-1").
    • Secret Access Key: The AWS Secret Access Key.
  5. The following configuration details are optional, only add if required:
    • Additional Settings: Key-value pairs of settings and corresponding values used to parametrize the connection to SQS. Refer to the full list in the AWS SDK documentation.
    • Endpoint: The endpoint to connect to, constructed by default using the value of the region.
    • Id Field: Name of the event field in which to store the SQS message ID.
    • MD5 Field: Name of the event field in which to store the SQS message MD5 checksum.
    • Polling Frequency: Polling frequency, default is 20 seconds.
    • Proxy Uri: URI to proxy server if required.
    • Queue: Name of the SQS Queue to pull messages from.
    • Queue Owner Aws Account Id: ID of the AWS account owning the queue if you want to use a cross-account queue with embedded policy.
    • Region: The AWS Region (Default value is "us-east-1").
    • Role ARN: ID of the AWS account owning the queue if you want to use a cross-account queue with embedded policy.
    • Role Session Name: Session name to use when assuming an IAM role.
    • Secret Access Key: The AWS Secret Access Key.
    • Sent Timestamp Field: Name of the event field in which to store the SQS message Sent Timestamp.
    • Session Token: The AWS Session token for temporary credential.
    • Threads: Default value is 1.
    • Use AWS Bundled CA: Use bundled CA certificates that ship with AWS SDK to verify SSL peer certificates.
    • Display Name: Provide a name for the SQS input.
    • Display Description: Add a description for better identification.
    • Tags: Assign tags to your events (comma-separated).
    • Type: Add a type field to all events handled by this input.
    • Add Field: Include additional fields to the events. You can add multiple key-value pairs.
  6. Click the "Configure Input" button to save the SQS input configuration.
  7. Click "Cancel" to discard changes.

This guide provides a step-by-step process for configuring an SQS input in Logstash. Adjust the values based on your specific use case and preferences.