How to add a plugin to

Adding a plugin to allows you to extend the functionality of your stack. Whether you need custom filters, outputs, or other advanced capabilities, provides a straightforward process to request and incorporate plugins into your stack.

Request the Plugin

Some plugins are installed by default. To request the addition of a plugin, users need to provide a link to the plugin they wish to incorporate to's support team for review. This link should be accessible and point to the specific plugin's source or repository. Review's support and engineering team will review the plugin request to ensure its compatibility, security, and suitability for your stack.

Plugin Incorporation

Once the plugin request is approved, will incorporate the plugin into your stack on your behalf. This may involve adding the plugin's configuration settings to the component's configuration file. Our engineers will update you when the plugin is available on your stack.

Testing and Validation

It is important to test the newly added plugin to ensure it functions as expected. Validate that data flows correctly and that any custom processing or filtering is applied to your data.

Support and Assistance

If you encounter any difficulties during the plugin integration process, have questions, or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to's support team via live chat.