Infrastructure Metrics: Remote Write

What is Infrastructure Metrics Remote Write?

Remote Write in the context of infrastructure metrics refers to a mechanism used for sending collected metric data from one component or system to another, typically in a distributed monitoring and metrics collection environment. This mechanism is commonly associated with monitoring and observability tools like Prometheus and Thanos, but it can be used in other contexts as well.

Working with Infrastructure Metrics Remote Write?

To locate Infrastructure Metrics Remote write, navigate to the menu at the left side of your screen. Then under the heading 'Infrastructure Metrics' you will find Remote Write settings.

Remote Write

Now you've reached the Remote Write page, you can access and copy your unique Remote Write URL. Employing Remote write has an array of benefits, such as reliability and resilience. This is because Remote Write enables resilience in metric data collection. If the storage system becomes temporarily unavailable, metrics can still be collected and buffered locally until the storage system is back online. This ensures data continuity and minimizes data loss during transient failures.

You can choose 'Copy Remote Write URL' to transmit your data to in Prometheus format. For detailed instructions for specific data sources view our data source configurations.

Also, remote write is effective in larger organisations. This is due to that in large organizations or multi-tenant environments, you may need to separate metric data by different teams, projects, or customers. Remote Write can facilitate this by allowing you to route metrics to different storage systems or namespaces based on tags or labels.