Give a User/Team Access Only To an OpenSearch Index

How to give a user or team access only to a specific index in OpenSearch

To grant Index Level access to users of your Stack you first need to create a team and configure the required OpenSearch Custom Role. This is a special role that gives you the flexibility to manage the users within this team by choosing from any available Security Roles for your Stack.

Based on your permissions you can view your teams via Account Settings > Teams. From here you can view existing and add new teams to your account.

Adding an OpenSearch Custom Role Team

All accounts have a number of predefined teams that you can use to manage common scenarios, in this case, we want to add a new team, so choose 'Create a new team'.

Give the team a suitable name e.g. My Custom Index Only Team. Under "Stack Only Permission Roles" choose Manage Roles for the required Stack.

Stack Only Permissions

Select the "OpenSearch Custom Role" checkbox and choose the roles that you want this Custom Role to have.

OpenSearch Stack Roles

If you have added roles in OpenSearch Security but don't see them listed here, choose "Re-Sync Roles". Alternatively, if you need to add a new role then choose "Create Role In OpenSearch" to open up OpenSearch Security.

Under Team Members and Access Permissions, you can choose which team members belong to this team.

Team Access Permissions

Team members added to an OpenSearch Custom Role team here will automatically be added to the relevant role in OpenSearch Security as shown below.


In addition, if you would like to manage permissions for users directly in OpenSearch Security we also give you the flexibility to do this, see how to manage permissions directly using OpenSearch Security.