How to add an Azure Event Hub Input to your Log Stack

To configure the Azure Event Hub input in your Logstash stack, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Logstash Inputs settings.
  2. Click on the "Add New Input" button in the Logstash configuration wizard.
  3. Select the "Azure Event Hub" option from the available input types.
  4. Complete the configuration details:
    • Consumer Group: Specify the consumer group used to read the Event Hub(s). Create a consumer group specifically for Logstash.
    • Storage Connection String: Provide the name of the storage container used to persist offsets and allow multiple instances of Logstash to work together.
    • Event Hub Connection String - Primary Key: Enter the connection string that identifies the Event Hub to be read. This option accepts only one connection string.
  5. The following configuration details are optional, only add if required:
    • Decorate Events: Enable this option to add metadata about the Event Hub, including Event Hub name, consumer group, processor host, partition, offset, sequence, timestamp, and event size.
    • Initial Position: When first reading from an Event Hub, start from this position (beginning, end, look_back).
    • Display Name: Provide a name for the Azure Event Hub input.
    • Display Description: Add a description for better identification.
    • Tags: Assign tags to your events (comma-separated).
    • Type: Add a type field to all events handled by this input.
    • Add Field: Include additional fields to the events. You can add multiple key-value pairs.
  6. Click the "Configure Input" button to save the Azure Event Hub input configuration.
  7. Click "Cancel" to discard changes.

This guide provides a step-by-step process for configuring an Azure Event Hub input in Logstash. Adjust the values based on your specific use case and preferences.