Bond Metrics

Ship your Bond Metrics via Telegraf to your Stack

Configure Telegraf to ship Bond metrics to your stacks via Logstash.

Install Integration

Please click on the Install Integration button to configure your stack for this source.

Install Telegraf

This integration allows you to configure a Telegraf agent to send your metrics, in multiple formats, to

Choose the installation method for your operating system:

When you paste the command below into Powershell it will download the Telegraf zip file. Once that is complete, press Enter again and the zip file will be extracted into C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.31.2.

wget -UseBasicParsing -OutFile 
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf'

Configure the Telegraf input plugin

The configuration file below is pre-configured to scrape the system metrics from your hosts, add the following code to the configuration file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf from the previous step.

# Collect bond interface status, slaves statuses and failures count
  ## Sets 'proc' directory path
  ## If not specified, then default is /proc
  host_proc = "/proc"
  ## Sets 'sys' directory path
  ## If not specified, then default is /sys
  # host_sys = "/sys"
  ## By default, telegraf gather stats for all bond interfaces
  ## Setting interfaces will restrict the stats to the specified
  ## bond interfaces.
  bond_interfaces = ["bond0", "bond1"]
  ## Tries to collect additional bond details from /sys/class/net/{bond}
  ## currently only useful for LACP (mode 4) bonds
  # collect_sys_details = false

Read more about how to configure data scraping and configuration options for Bond (opens in a new tab)

Configure The Output plugin

Once you have generated the configuration file, you need to set up the output plug-in to allow Telegraf to transmit your data to in Prometheus format. This can be accomplished by incorporating the following code into your configuration file:

  url = ""
  data_format = "prometheusremotewrite"
    Content-Type = "application/x-protobuf"
    Content-Encoding = "snappy"

Start Telegraf

From the location where Telegraf was installed (C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf-1.31.2) run the program providing the chosen configuration file as a parameter:

.\telegraf.exe --config telegraf-demo.conf

Once Telegraf is running you should see output similar to the following, which confirms the inputs, output and basic configuration the application has been started with: Powershell Telegraf information

View your metrics

Data should now have been sent to your Stack.

View My Data

If you don't see take a look at How to diagnose no data in Stack below for how to diagnose common issues.

How to diagnose no data in Stack

If you don't see data appearing in your Stack after following the steps, visit the Help Centre guide for steps to diagnose no data appearing in your Stack or Chat to support now.

Telegraf Beanstalkd Overview

Our example guide will help you to establish the configuration within Telegraf to seamlessly transport Bond metrics directly to your dedicated stacks using the Logstash pipeline.

If you need any further assistance with shipping your log data to we're here to help you get started. Feel free to get in contact with our support team by sending us a message via live chat & we'll be happy to assist.